Monday 11 April 2016

Perspective of different people :D :

Last week, we learnt about how everyone's perspectives could be different as they could have experienced or been influenced by different factors. Today, we shall talk about the different possible perspectives about having FFR (Fast food restaurants) in historical places.

1. KFC and Starbucks

Their possible reaction and perspective:

  • Yes, we would like to build an outlet at those places.
Why do they think so?
  • People know KFC and Starbucks like a household name and thus, when tourists go to an attraction, they would usually rest or eat at a well-known place as they recognise those places more. Thus, they would feel that it is a good place to start an outlet as tourist will come over frequently, thus leading to profit and also expansion of their franchise. 
  • It is beneficial.
2. Cultural Tourists

Their possible reaction and perspective

  • No!
Why do they think so?
  • They want to see the original historical place untouched by the western corporation.
3. Casual Tourists

Their possible reaction and perspective
  • Yes!
Why do they think so?
  • It is convenient as they do not need to travel far for western food.
4. Shopkeepers in those areas

Their possible reaction and perspective
  • No!
Why do they think so?
  • The main food outlets may compete with their business and they might lose their businesses. The main food outlets are more favoured by the teens and the children as there is both air-con and their favourite fast food and they might not go for those traditional shopkeepers. 
  • The traditional shops may not be able to keep up with food outlets, causing them to not only lose customers but even struggle with earning enough money to sustain their small businesses. Once these shops close down, more heritage and historical value may be lost.
  • In a nutshell --> Fast money for KFC and Starbucks, fast bankruptcy for traditional shops.
The other side of the coin.

The other side of the coin.


  • The FFR and Starbuck outlets may be their downfall.
5. Tourism board 

Their possible reaction and perspective
  • No reaction
Why do they think so?
  • The main objective of the tourism board is to gain revenue via historical sites, which China has a lot of them.
  • Despite losing historical value, the added facilities may boost the numbers of youths who are interested to visit those places as the youths still have a place where they are accustomed with.
  • Also, tired travellers who just happened to pass by might come over as there is some modern facilities near those historical places.
  • In a nutshell --> Despite losing historical value, modern facilities may boost the number of youths to come over.

  • Lose some, gain some.
6. Heritage board

Their possible reaction and perspective
  • No!
Why do they think so?
  • Modernization in a traditional/historical place. Enough said.α••( ᐛ )α•—
  • Doing so will cause the historical value to decrease.
  • There may be more rubbish due to the fact that youths do not treasure those places more than the older ones.

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